Dog Health

How To Prepare Your New Dog For Hazardous Weather

Enjoy a guest post by Paige Johnson on preparing your dog for hazardous weather.

Dog Hazard PreparednessWhen you are a first-time dog owner, odds are you haven’t had the time to consider everything your pup is going to need. Extreme weather is alarming for people, let alone a dog. As your new dog’s guardian, it is your job to keep him safe and calm. Many dogs become nervous around unfamiliar weather and may end up endangering themselves. There are a few ways you can prepare your dog for hazardous weather.

Know the Breed

Each breed of dog has different levels of resiliency to heat, dampness, and cold. Even if your dog is a mixed breed, you should make yourself aware of your dog’s tolerances. If you have a small dog, particularly a Chihuahua, your dog may be susceptible to all weather and will require protection from heat, cold, and dampness.

You also should learn your dog’s specific preferences. Some dogs are indifferent to thunder, while others panic as soon as they hear the first rumble. You need to prepare to handle both your dog’s mental wellbeing and physical wellbeing during a thunderstorm.

Buy Supplies in Advance

It can be difficult to predict what your dog will need during times of severe weather. However, you should do your best to be well prepared. Some recommended precautions include rain jackets, waterproof boots, paw protectors, first aid kits, winter coats or vests, and a Thundershirt if your dog is fearful of severe conditions.

When the weather heats up, you must consider your dog’s paw pads when taking him onto concrete, macadam, or stone. If you can’t handle walking barefoot on the sidewalk or street, it’s too hot for your dog. This is when pad protectors come into play. Some dogs also are prone to sunburn. On the other hand, when the weather turns cold, your dog will need boots and a garment to keep his core warm. For smaller dogs, you may need to invest in a full snow suit to protect their delicate body temperatures.

Keep Up With Training

A poorly trained dog is far more likely to bolt when alarming weather occurs. This puts him in danger and you at risk of never finding your beloved pet again. Make sure your dog obeys your commands regardless of circumstances and can be recalled if he is running away from you. You might want to consider professional dog training courses if you aren’t having success.

Have a Plan

For emergency situations such as flooding or tornadoes, you should have a plan in place that includes your pet’s needs. Including your pet in emergency response practices can be a part of his training. If he knows what to expect in the event of an emergency, he is more likely to remain calm. For example, in case your neighborhood is hit by a big storm, you should teach your dog a command that means he should hunker down in safe shelter and wait for you to tell him it’s safe to leave. Of course, you’ll also need to teach him the safest place to go under these circumstances.

Preparing your family for any extreme weather is stressful enough. Bringing a new dog into the mix can make things even more difficult, as you may not know how best to cope with your dog’s needs. The primary focus is keeping him mentally and physically safe from the weather with supplies and training.

Consult with a dog trainer and visit a quality pet store so that you can rest assured that your pet will be safe no matter what Mother Nature sends your way.

Paige Johnson is a self-described fitness “nerd.” She possesses a love for strength training. In addition to weight-lifting, she is a yoga enthusiast, avid cyclist, and loves exploring hiking trails with her dogs. She enjoy writing about health and fitness for

image via Pixabay by Hans

Slam Dunk Ways To Get Your Dog To Listen Without Going to A Dog Training Class

Dog Training Online CoursesOk, so you love your dog. But, there’s these things that he does that drive you crazy. Or you just don’t understand why after all this time, the thousands of times you’ve told him, asked him, pleaded with him to just do this one thing and he still doesn’t get it.

Dog One On One Listening Skills

Well, there are reasons for it. Mainly that your dog thinks and learns much differently than we do and we are constantly trying to logic with him.

Here’s a big secret.

Your dog does not have the capacity to logic.

I know, I know. You mean you’ve been jabbering on all this time and your dog heard, blah, blah, blah, blah… ya wanna treeeat? Oh yeah, ears perk up, tail wags. He got that one.


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Seriously, no charge.

Grant Me My 3 Dog Wishes


Your Personalized Dog Lifestyle

The way you live with your dog is as individual as it comes. Which is why so many dog training classes don’t exactly work… and why… I’m putting together some new dog lifestyle programs and an dog training ecourse that can be access online and I want to know exactly what you need help with. So I’ve set up a way for you to schedule a consultation with me and get whatever questions you have about your dog answered. Yep, once again. No charge.

You can ask anything. Could be about: Paws


Behavior    •         Health    •        Fitness


 Whatever dog lifestyle you want to create. Ask me. And no, I’m not here to sell you on a dog training class you don’t even have the time to go to, nor do you want to try that route again. I’m doing this to find some real solutions for dog people who:

Dog Remedies 1Want to have a better time with the dog they love but just doesn’t quite get exactly what you’re trying to get them to understand.

Dog Remedies 2Want to know how to integrate quality dog time in when you’re on a limited time budget.

Dog Remedies 3How to prepare for your dog getting older.

Dog RemediesYour puppy is a nightmare, and yet everyone says they love puppies! What am I doing wrong? (there’s one thing that can help this hugely, and it’s way easier than you think, costs you nothing and is super duper good for you too).

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DO IT. Ask Me Anything You Want About Your Dog. In Fact, If I Gave You A Genie In A Bottle And Granted You 3 Wishes For Your Relationship With Your Dog, What Would They Be? 3 Wishes For Your Dog

Wish 1 Wish 2 Wish 3

Click the button below and schedule your no charge dog lifestyle session with me today. Grant Me My 3 Dog Wishes

*Note: the button will take you to a calendar to pick a time that works for you. Pick it, add the contact info where I can reach you and you’ll hear from me at the appointed time. It’s pretty cool really.