
A Dog’s Approach To Ironman

The 2011 Ironman is now a wrap here in Kona. It was yet another year of triumphs in so many ways. There were roughly 1800 people who came across that finish line this year. Everyone from the pros to those with a triathlon lifestyle to those who are everyday moms and dads to people like Scott Rigsby, double amputee who got to hear those words, “You are an Ironman” lived their own triumphant day.

The Inspiring Accomplishment in Hawaii

Finishing an Ironman in Hawaii no matter who you are or what time you did it in is an accomplishment. For all those that finished or even attempted to finish the Ironman here in Kona this year…

  • Congratulations.
  • Great job.
  • You did well.
  • You learned something about yourself.
  • You will have gone on a journey that will live within you forever.
  • The memories will be of the journey’s accomplishment; not your Timex, or what spot you finished in.

Ironman Inspiration to A Better Place within Yourself

For many watching an Ironman is pure inspiration. It could be running a 5K to doing a shorter distance triathlon, a Half Ironman or even set your sights on completing an Ironman. It could be as simple as exercising every day, walking, yoga, a daily jaunt with the dog. The inspiration is yours to create.

The important thing in our lives is to have a something that inspires ourselves and in turn inspires others. That doesn’t mean think about it, wish you could do it, or hope to do it in the future. The time is now.

If you are thinking of committing to one of these things I encourage you to start today.

As inspiration coach of both people and dogs here are a few tips on getting started. Those with dogs will see this viewpoint clearly.  And those of you without dogs, start wagging your tail and playing every day as if you had dog recess playtime as one of your required job descriptions!

Training for a 5K, Triathlon or Ironman Like A Dog

First, dogs love to go.  Anywhere.  Any time.  Pick up the leash or a set of keys and the excitement to go comes out in a four legged dance with mad tail wagging on top of all of that.

Do your workout the same. Get a plan. Tons of places to find them, (training plans) but more importantly, decide what you are going to do for a workout in the morning. When you get up, act like the dog, like you can hardly wait to get out the door. It’s soooo exciting.

Get the leash, the keys (shoes, swim suit, bike, or even the dog) and get out the door. As a habit. Wag about it.

It won’t be long and you WILL begin to feel that way.  Really.

Forget about a watch and how fast you are going at whatever specific exercise you are doing. At least at first. Just go. And pretend to be the dog while you go. Wag at each and every little thing. Be grateful for the day and the fact that you get to go out and move.

If people like Scott Rigsby can do it. So can you.

Thanks for reading.  My hope is to give you inspiration and thought provoking ideas to take your very next step in creating your own paradise from where you are now!  Please subscribe to Big Island Dog and follow me on Twitter.   Retweets are cool too.

As a 9 time Ironamn finisher, author and creator of 5K Training Guide | Running with Dogs and K9 Cross Fitness Classes in Kailua Kona Hawaii I encourage you to make that change you want so badly today!

Aloha Wags!


Aloha and Mahalo Wags Defined

Now that I live in Hawaii and am finding myself fully immersed in the lifestyle and the Aloha of Hawaii, the deeper meaning of many simple things in life are revealing themselves.

I’ve adopted the terms Aloha and Mahalo as a greeting and thank you on most of my articles and blog posts.  It feels really good to say it when I sign on or off of something I write.  It definitely feels like I’ve made sure to put the intent to live a pure simple life filled mostly with happiness out there.

Aloha and Mahalo Wags

Dogs have been my great teachers of behavior.  To live in the moment is a wonderful experience.  It does not matter what happened earlier in the day, or what may happen tomorrow. Instead, dogs greet you every single time with a wagging tail and pure gratitude to see you.

Aloha and Mahalo wags are my way of including the joy of my dogs in my thoughts to you so we can all start practicing a journey in creating our own paradise wherever we are.

How To Give Aloha and Mahalo

Aloha and Mahalo are among the most sacred and powerful of all the Hawaiian words.  Speaking them is said to have the power to transform and heal your life, as well as protect your life’s journey.

Aloha recognizes a warm and receptive space for greeting and supporting the well-being of another and is like offering a breath of fresh air.

Aloha is used as a farewell or a salutation.   It is also commonly used to mean love.  It can also be used to express compassion, regret or sympathy.

Mahalo is a Divine breath of gratitude and thanks giving for all that is.

Read more on Aloha and Mahalo at Go Aloha

The Mahalo Wag Project

I found this Thank You Project 2011  by Jacob at Sensophy

I’m going to commit to do this one starting today (always the best time to start) and in the meantime create my own Mahalo Wag Project.  If you have ideas on what you would do to create your own feeling of Mahalo Wags every day, send them to me.  This is going to be a fun project with Wag all You Want cards given as gifts to all those around you when it’s done!  You can tweet it with #MahaloWags too!

*Note it’s now 2012, or maybe you might find this post in 2103… or beyond. You can still do the Mahalo Wag Project.  Its good no matter what year it is.

Aloha Wags!

Thanks for reading.  My hope is to give you inspiration and thought provoking ideas to take your very next step in creating your happy healthy life of paradise from where you are now…  your dog too!  Please subscribe to Maui Dog Remedies and follow me on twitter, Facebook and Google+

If you are on Maui Hawaii and want to me to be your you and your dog’s trainer or want help with home made cooking for dogs and natural remedies for dogs find me at Maui Dog Remedies Dogs or K9 Coach.


4 ways to Drastically Improve Your Day

What you do, think and feel first thing in the morning is a good indication of the way the rest of your day will in fact transpire.

For years I ignored this essential fact and let every morning just happen in its own way, usually leading me down a subconscious path I really didn’t want to travel, starting with a bunch of junk e-mail and the noise of Facebook!

I know it may sound simplistic but think about the way a dog gets up in the morning and their intent for the day.


  • First thing, a big stretch waking up their body with gentle movement.
  • Next thing. Wag. Happy for the next moment whatever it might be.
  • Run around a little bit getting warmed up for all the great things that are going to happen today. No expectations. Just looking forward to it all.
  • Eat a simple breakfast. Not too much. Hopefully a holistic variety, though dogs are usually happy about whatever comes there way.

With the bliss of a dog’s life as a model here are 4 things you can do to drastically improve your every day happiness quotient.

Practice Yoga or Simply Stretch

This is one you can easily end up with the excuse, “I’ll do it after I get the chance to go to 3 more yoga classes.”  What you do everyday counts so start with 10 minutes a morning and soon you’ll find it is a habit.

Meditate, Affirmations, Say What You Want

Self talk is a huge part of what shapes every day.  What goes on in your head is what ends up coming to fruition in a physical way throughout your day, week, month and years.  The average person has 60,000 thoughts per day and studies show that of these more than 80% are negative.

With that in mind start thinking about what you really want more of.

  • Say what you want for the day out loud.
  • Start with your 3 top things: about your life, about your passion, about your livelihood.
  • Practice imagining 6 impossible things before breakfast.


Bleh.  A word that has come to be known with a negative connotation.  Why has this one come to be such a huge problem?

In my experience working with those who have decided to take the next step and get to where they want to be from where they are now, exercise has become fun through making it a game and using things you already have available to you.  Make it simple.  Make it easy.

If you are a dog owner this is a great time to develop an awesome relationship with your dog that follow the simple guidelines of fun and easy. Find a 5K fun run and sign up for it.  There are tons of dog friendly races out there these days as well.

Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Another duh…. you’ve heard this one before. I know I know. BUT again, get some fresh ideas of what to eat and it becomes easier. Buy only the foods for a healthy recipe and that will also become your default choice. It’s the only thing you have in the house.

6 Foodiecrush Recipes

Make everything simple.  We have too much stuff in our lives.  One shopping bag out of the grocery store.  That’s it.  No room for junk.

Thanks for reading. If you liked this post, please subscribe to Big Island Dog and follow me on twitter, Facebook and Google+


Training Companions | Running with Dogs

Looking to change how you view running or exercise?  Choose a training partner you can count on and then those who say they want to go but come up with excuses a lot of the time can fill in as extras!

Studies show training with a companion, training partner, buddy, whatever you want to call it increases your chances of sticking with an exercise program more than two fold.  So why not pick a training companion you know you can count on?

Your dog is always ready to go, on your schedule, happy to be your best supporter every single day.

That being said there are a few considerations to take into account when choosing your dog as your running partner.

Veterinary Recommendations

As with you, make sure that your dog is healthy and physically able to run with you.   A check at the vet is recommended.

Puppies and dogs less than a year old are still forming bones and ligaments so make sure to limit how much time you spend running or walking your dog from a full training regime.  Don’t confuse that statement with refraining from exercise for your young dog at all.  This can also turn out to be bad for development and behavioral problems.  Just don’t plan on making the puppy a running partner until after reaching a year old.

Running Dog Breeds

There are dogs better built for running than others.  The list is long and many times the combined traits of a mixed breed dog are ideal for running.  A few breeds that are most excellent as running partners are:

  • Labrador Retriever
  • Australian Shepherd
  • Portuguese Water Dog
  • Weimaraner
  • Vizsla
  • German Short Haired Pointer
  • Golden Retriever
  • Standard Poodle
  • Labradoodles
  • German Shepherd Dog
  • Belgian Malinois
  • Rhodesian Ridgeback

Keep in mind if your dog isn’t a great runner, walking is highly recommended!  You can find many more breeds and information about dogs that make great running partners by subscribing or stay updated on the latest Dog Friendly 5K Fun Run & Events here.

Start Running With Your Dog

Acclimation is key to gaining fitness and avoiding injury.  Make sure to start your dog off like you would start yourself in a new program.  Start with shorter runs and gradually increase your distance.

More is not always better, especially in the beginning.  Long time runners coming back to the game sometimes go with the 1 mile, 2 mile, 10 mile program too quickly.  If your dog is new to running “muscle memory” is simply not there.  Do the gradual build up and you’ll have a running partner in time that will always be willing to go the distance and be completely healthy doing it.

Trails are a better option to run long term for you and your dog.  Pavement can be very jarring and the joints and ligaments do much better with the give of trials and soft surfaces.  Check your dog’s paws frequently especially early on in a new training program for cuts, scrapes, or cracks and make sure to keep the nails trimmed.  Dog boots are a great option if you are acclimating your dog to new terrain with sharp rocks, hot or cold surfaces..

Use common sense regarding time of day you take your dog running.  During warm weather the morning or late evening is best.  Cold weather on the other hand may require that you let the day warm up a bit before hitting the daily running route.  For those dogs that don’t have a lot of extra fur or aren’t acclimated to the cold, providing a dog coat has become a very stylish option to keep your dog warm.

Hydration is a huge factor for you and your dog.  To feel good hydration is a must.  Dogs sweat differently than we do, with moisture leaving their bodies through their nose, tongue and paw pads. Ignoring the signs of dehydration early on is easy since the physical signs of sweating are absent.  Make sure to bring water for you and your dog.

No matter how much you train or exercise if your nutrition is bad you still are dealing with health issues.  Make sure to feed your dog a holistic balanced dog food.  The type of food and the amount are as important as a consistent exercise program.

If you got some good from this post and want more running tips, K9 Cross Training ideas or Hawaii Lifestyle Retreat plans subscribe.

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Aloha Wags!

Jt Clough

Hawaiian Frosty Paws Recipe

This is the Big Island Dog’s version of a homemade Frosty Paws recipe done organically and with some serious Hawaiian Aloha.

My dogs first found out about Frosty Paws when we found them in a Dog Specialty Store on the Mainland.  They love them.  Big surprise since Labs love anything they can eat, and the Weimaraner loves food as well.

The store bought dog treat ingredients had sugar and other long words that are far from “wholesome” so the creation of an organic aloha version was born.



  • 1/2 cup peanut butter
  • 2 cups (32 oz) plain yogurt
  • 1 bananas ripe
  • 1/2 cup of your choice mango, pineapple, or papaya

*Substitute any of these topical fruits or go without for a less decadent dog goodie.

Paper cups “Dixie-style” only here on the Island we like to use recyclable material to stay on the Green side of life.

Use a blender until the mixture is nice and smooth.

Pour into paper cups and freeze.

Feeding instructions:

  • Take a Big Island Dog Hawaiian Frosty Paw out of the freezer and let stand for 10 min.
  • Peel the paper cup off or simply turn the cup over and tap out with the perfect amount of thawing around the edges.
  • Have your dog sit pretty.  Yum.  Let your dog eat it!
  • Awwww…. your dog thinks you are the best ever.

More whole food in your dog’s diet is a good thing.  Like people, dogs are suffering from too much processed food and lack of exercise.  In the long run its less expensive then buying the treats that are good and wholesome.

If you like this recipe and want more sign up for the Subscribe to Big Island Dog.

Jt Clough, has studied, applied and taught others how to create a balanced life with calm dog training techniques through her lifetime commitment to health and fitness. Clough is also the creator of dog wellness programs and author of the 5K Training Guide | Running with Dogs, Treading for Dogs DVDand K9 Cross Fitness Class Kailua Kona further inspiring people to introduce playtime in life through the eyes of a dog changing unwanted behaviors to practicing a healthy lifestyle.


Getting Your Dogs To Hawaii First Steps

Dogs are solid family members and living the dream includes bringing the dog for those who want to spend time or live in Hawaii.  Air travel for pets has become an easier process on the mainland however Hawaii requires time and the correct vaccinations administered before entering the Hawaiian Islands.

There are a few reasons for these requirements including there are no rabies on the Islands and because the temperature is perfect for living things to thrive, tick and flea prevention is a must.

Hawaii is the only state in the US that is rabies-free. Hawaii’s dog import law is designed to protect residents, visitors and pets from the potentially serious health problems associated with the introduction and spread of rabies.  All dogs and cats regardless of age (puppies included) or purpose, must comply with Hawaii’s dog import requirements.

Years ago, in order to ensure the proper vaccines were in effect, dogs were required to be quarantined for 120 days.  Over the last few years the number of days required has decreased from 90 days to 30 days, to now 5 days or less with 87% being released upon arrival. The trick is make sure you have followed the requirements and have your paperwork in order.  This is an entire checklist to download below.

Steps to Getting Your Dog Directly Released in Hawaii

Microchip your dog.  All tests and documentation are located using your dog’s microchip number.

Your dog must have been vaccinated for rabies at least two times during his or her  lifetime.
The rabies vaccinations must have been administered more than 30 days apart.
The most recent rabies vaccination must have been done to include both of these criteria:

  1. Not more than the vaccine’s licensed booster interval listed on the manufacturer’s label.  Rabies vaccinations good for 1 year, 3 years or 4 years according to the company that produced the vaccine.  In simple terms the most recent rabies vaccination must not have been given before the expiration date of 1, 3, or 4 years.  Your vet will have this information recorded.
  2. Not less than 90 days before the pet’s date of arrival in Hawaii.

Rabies Vaccinations How Many and When Simplified

Two rabies vaccines are required.  This is why puppies do not qualify for the 5 days or less quarantine program.  Young puppies are not old enough to have the two rabies vaccinations given.

Your dog’s most recent rabies vaccination must not be expired when your dog arrives in Hawaii.  Your window for the most recent rabies vaccination upon arrival in Hawaii is 90 days to 6 months.

Your dog must wait at least 90 days before arriving in Hawaii after the most recent rabies vaccination.  If your dog arrives before the 90 days has past following the most recent rabies vaccination, your dog will be subject to quarantine until the 90 days are completed.

This reason contributes to the 13% of dogs that are not released on the 5 days or less program.  Make sure to follow the check list exactly and have your paperwork in order to insure same day release at the Department of Agriculture.

You will need to provide original documents of your dog’s rabies vaccinations.  If you do not have these contact the vet that administered the vaccinations for original documents.  You will need to provide the lot number, type of vaccine (1 yr, 3 yr, or 4 yr) and the vaccine manufacturer.  The form is usually titled “Animal Services Dog License Application and Rabies Certification” and is provided by your vet.

These documents must be original and signed in ink by your vet.  Copies are not accepted.  If your dog was seen by a different vet than your current vet for the original rabies vaccination you will need to contact the vet that administered the original vaccination to obtain these documents.  *Veterinarians  will have records and should be able to create an original form for you.  Some vets will charge an administration fee.  There will be other fees that go along with this process, starting with the OIE-FAVN Rabies Blood Test at around $85.  Consider it your dog’s tuition to best time of their life!

If you are not able to obtain these records the alternative is to re-vaccinate with more than 30 days between vaccinations.  As one who does not like to over vaccinate, try with all your might to obtain original records.  If you must re-vaccinate to get your dog to Hawaii with you, the option is there and is worth doing to bring your dog to live the Hawaiian lifestyle along with you.

Rabies Blood Test

You must have an OIE-FAVN Rabies Blood Test done on your dog.  Once the results have been received by Kansas State University and the results are greater than 0.5 IU/ml you must wait 120 days before your dog can arrive in Hawaii.

*The 120 days starts on the date the test was received at the laboratory.

In simple terms:

Make an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as you know you want your dog to qualify for the 5 days or less release in Hawaii.  Tell you vet that you are applying for the 5 days or less Hawaii pet release program.  Ask for a rabies titre test and make sure that your dog has had the appropriate rabies shots prior to the rabies titer test.

Check with the staff at your veterinary office to make sure they have marked “Hawaii” clearly on the paperwork to be submitted to the Kansas Lab.

Record your dog’s microchip number and have it handy during the entire process.  It becomes the way to identify your dog from rabies vaccinations to the scan when your dog arrives in Hawaii to prove this is the same dog matching the records submitted.

The OIE-FAVN Rabies Blood Test results will be sent back to your veterinarian within 10 to 14 days.  Call to check on the date received recorded in the report.  This will determine the date your dog’s 120 day countdown begins.  You can check online at the Animal Quarantine Microchip Search to find your dogs report has been recorded.

The Rest of The Hawaii Adventure

Getting your dog to Hawaii can sound very confusing with all the requirements and pure stress in worrying about your dog getting held in quarantine.   Avoid feeling overwhelmed by following the steps exactly on the forms.

Just recently going through this move ourselves with our own dogs I learned the process and part of what I have to offer as Aloha is helping you get your dog on the Hawaiian Islands safely.

If you find yourself deciding you are coming to Hawaii to live your dreams with your dogs and want simplified updates every step of the process sign up at “Hawaii Dog Checklists”.  You’ll receive the next steps in the process as well as dog things to do, places to go, and the best of Hawaii once you get here.

Download the entire Getting Your Dog to Hawaii Checklist from the State of Hawaii here.

The process seems a long and a bit confusing.  That’s why there will be The Rest of the Hawaii Adventure with your dog unfolding before you as your updates arrive.  For now, make sure to get these first steps done, and look forward to the the next steps in the process of Getting Your Dog To Hawaii.

Jt Clough, has studied, applied and taught others how to create a balanced life with calm dog training techniques through her lifetime commitment to health, fitness and life coaching. Clough is also the creator of dog wellness programs and author of the 5K Training Guide | Running with Dogs and Treading for Dogs DVD,  further inspiring people to introduce playtime in life through the eyes of a dog changing unwanted behaviors to practicing a healthy lifestyle.

Hydration | How Much Should Your Active Dog Drink

How much water do you need to stay hydrated?  The blanket answer is 8 glasses.  That’s for us humans.  What about our dogs?  How much water do they need to stay hydrated and what if your dog is overly active?

How Much Water Should My Dog Drink?

Make it simple and it helps to do the right thing.  Find out what your dog weighs and figure 1/2-1 oz of water per pound.  My Weimaraner is 65 pounds.   That means she should have 36-65 oz of water per day.

This is the simple formula.   Of course activity and weather can make a difference so common sense needs to be taken into account.  In other words, the low end of 36 oz is not sufficient if you have taken your dog out on an hour plus trail hike in warm weather conditions in the 65 lb. example.  Make sure to go to the 65 oz end of the formula, especially if your dog has had an all out session, like my Weimaraner tends to do!

Checking for Proper Dog Hydration

Dogs are not able to say they are thirsty and the situation can be easily overlooked by an owner not realizing you have to not only lead your dog to water, but in many cases you need to show your dog to drink it as well.

You can check for proper hydration in your dog by:

Check for a Dry Nose

If your dog’s nose is dry it’s past the time that water should have been consumed.  Time to lead your dog to water, and encourage the action of drinking it.

A dry nose is not the only sign of a dehydrated dog.  Keep in mind your dog can have a wet nose and still be dehydrated or on the verge of really needing to drink.

Elastic Skin

Skin loses elasticity as it loses moisture.   There’s a good reason to stay hydrated yourself as well.   Skin without moisture will remain wrinkled. Ewww… maybe a little water drinking could save a whole lot of dog owner botox treatments!

Check the back of your dog’s neck by pinching the skin between two fingers.   When you let it go if the skin goes back to laying flat your dog is hydrated.  If the skin remains squished or wrinkled your dog needs to get some water intake going as soon as possible.

Checking the Gum Tissue

One can get technical about this or one can think about it in easy terms.  When you run your finger over your dog’s gums, if it feels a bit slimy, you have a hydrated dog.  If the gum tissue isn’t slimy, your dog needs to drink and is on the dehydrated side of life.

The technical way is by using a method to check for capillary refill time. To do this when your dog is hydrated pull the lip up and press your finger firmly against the gums until the tissue appears white-ish in color.  See how long it takes for the gum tissue to fill to pink again.

Now you have a baseline to see if your dog is dehydrated in times of activity.   If when you remove your finger the tissue looks gray in color or takes a long time to refill to pink, your dog is dehydrated.

So there you go, you can choose to use the slimy method or the capillary refilling method.  Either will help you determine how much water your dog needs.

How To Get Your Dog To Drink

It is true that sometimes you can lead a dog to water and yet they won’t drink it even if they need it.  You can make this a habit by enticing your dog to do it, which is a fun way to say:  train your dog to drink.

Tricks are the best way to train dogs and ourselves to do anything.  After all, if it’s fun you’ll do it, and so will your dog.

Use a treat to entice your dog’s nose to the water bowl, drop the treat in the bowl and as your dog takes a little water in while going for the treat, put the word “drink” to it.

If your dog likes ice cubes you can do the same trick.  Drop the cubes in the bowl requiring your dog to drink to nab the “treat”.  I use ice cubes as a full on treat and my dogs love it.  A very sly way to encourage your dog to drink more water.

Done enough times it will become a habit and you can fade the treat by offering it sometimes and not having it others.  With repetition your dog will automatically start to drink.  When you say the word at the moment your dog is drinking you are pairing the action with the word repetitiously.  You’ll begin to illicit the automatic reaction to drink when you say the word and your dog is in proximity of the water bowl.

Another quick fix for some dogs is to add a little beef bouillon to the water mixture.  Lab type dogs can’t help themselves.  They’ll drink in the hopes of food appearing!

Thanks for reading.  If you liked this post, please subscribe to Big Island Dog and follow me on twitter, Facebook and Google+

As author and creator of 5K Training Guide | Running with Dogs, Treading for Dogs and K9 Cross Fitness Classes in Kailua Kona Hawaii I encourage you to make that change you want so badly today!  Get out and get fit with your dog!

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