Maui dog training

Lessons from Authentic Maui Dog Observations

Why Real Authentic Can Be Learned From Dogs

Authentic Maui DogsWe all have this version in our head of our authentic self and yet we are actually pretending to be something we really aren’t most of the time.  I swear it’s the reason we are so drawn to our Maui dogs, even when they behave in a way that isn’t exactly acceptable.

We get why they are acting out, don’t like another dog, or our partner.  We get why our dog’s like perfect strangers on first sight, or take to an unlikely dog friend and why they cuddle up to us even when we are in a really bad mood.  The reason?

Dogs are authentic in their actions.  They do not have a a filter.  Dogs are truly authentic in their whole being.

Living with a Dog Version of Authentic

You don’t choose to be authentic. Authenticity is a state i.e. whatever you are in any given state ~ asshole or angel.  You are what you are. People might call you authentic or not.  Really, they’re making a judgement about whether they like your code. They’re saying “Hey, I like the way you play” or “Eff off.  I don’t like your rules.”  Both are a paradox. Whether asking you to be different or be the same, both are opposites of authenticity (because it’s different than what you truly are). Whatever mask you choose from the closet to wear in the morning, wear it. Be it. That’s authentic.

Living that lesson from a dog’s standpoint is easy.  Dogs are simply authentic.  They bark at people because they feel like it.  They find their pack to play with and forcing the issue doesn’t really work.  There’s no pretending for a dog.  What is, is what is.  That simple.

Same at the statement above.  Whatever you choose in the morning, wear it, be it.  It’s okay to practice being your authentic self instead of being something, doing something, liking something you really don’t want to have anything to do with.

Play by your own rules.  While you can be kind in doing that, you don’t have to be unauthentic because you feel you need to be something else for anyone else.

The Authentic Maui Dog Pack

This morning I took a pack of dogs to the beach here on Maui.  These dogs know one another and they have their games with one another.  One will break up two that are hogging the bumper.  They will try and out swim each other to get the bumper.  The Boxer will even try and dunk the not so good at swimming Weimaraner in an effort to get the bumper, and it’s all in being their true authentic selves.  No “sorry, I didn’t mean it” needed!

My observation of this women who had a dog she didn’t a have a lot of control over this morning was interesting and I realized her snapping bitchy attitude at the pack of dogs and me was her authentic self.

Six Maui dogs playing.  Six dogs listening to what I wanted them to do when it comes to not running off, not bothering other people or dogs.  The one dog that joined… out of control.  Wild abandon.  And the women got irritated at us.  It was our fault her dog wouldn’t come.  In her opinion it was all the other dogs fault her dog was out of control.

Blame.  The other dogs.  Us.  (my friend and I) for her dog not doing what she wanted him to.  Her authentic self was showing in a serious way.

What is Your (Dog) Authentic Self

Take a lesson from our Maui dogs.  Own up to who we are.  Be it.  And be grateful for all we have on our Maui Hawaii Island.

*Author’s note:  I say this about Maui dogs because this is where I live with my dogs, this is where I practice my dog thing.  The concept applies to where ever you and your dog are in the world.  And yes, I’ve traveled quite a lot.  It is a sign of our times that our authentic selves are being compromised all over the world and the state we expect our dogs to be is also falling outside of authentic as well.

Now, go wag, have fun, be like a dog.  No expectations.  Just grateful.  Just be you.

Maui Dog Training + Running + Retreats + RemediesJt Clough lives in Maui, Hawaii and practices health, happiness, natural remedies and training for dogs and their people.  Her uncanny way of communication with both dogs and people is healing and her training is effective physically and emotionally. Her work at ReVIBE | Dogs + Joy + Vibrance is for people looking to live healthier and happier lives through their dogs and her passion for it has helped so many to find and do that thing they’ve been talking about or wishing to happen for so long. She is a dog whisperer for our best friends, specializing in private training and dog retreats, studies natural dog remedies, nutrition and communication. Her latest publications are Pumpkin Dog Food + Treats Recipes and 5K Training Guide | Running with Dogs.

Maui Dog Training | Dog Walking | Dog Sitting | Dog Remedies

Maui Dog Remedies has arrived here in Maui ready to provide professional dog training, dog walking, dog sitting and natural remedies for this very dog friendly island.

Our dogs have become beloved family members. Through my years of dog training I have found that people need to have their own needs met through their dogs. The frustration of not knowing how to communicate in a way our dogs fully understand is where I have helped so many to go from a good relationship with their dog, (and others around them) to a great relationship.

Dog Training

Understanding the environmental situations that cause owners to misread their dogs, cuing them to react in ways they did not intend enables me to teach successful canine communication skills for people and their dogs.

Running with Dogs

As the author of 5K Training Guide | Running with Dogs and a 9 time Ironman finisher, I have always incorporated exercise into my dog training practices. Dogs require movement and can actually slumber into a sort of dog depression without it. Unwanted behavior in many cases is solved with the addition of exercise.

I’m also really good at listening to my clients. The one common thread is they want their dog to be trained better but lack the time, and sometimes the knowledge to get it done. I’ve designed my running with dogs program to train your dog and get the exercise they desperately need at the same time.

The programs are tailored to you and your dog’s needs, which means I run/train your dog mostly and then show you. Or if you’d like a coach to get you running with your dog we do that too. Either way your dog gets trained and lives a happier healthier life.  This same program also applies to walking if that is you and your dog’s gig.

I love running and training dogs and can’t wait to meet yours

Dog Walking

These same skills carry through to walking dogs. Dogs need physical activity. They need exercise. They need some sort of stimulation other than sitting and waiting for their person to come home week after week, even though they are beyond stoked and very thankful to see you when you do arrive. Maui Dog Remedies developed a different kind of dog walking service.

When I created the dog walking and dog sitting services, I dug deep and thought about the goals, desires and aspirations people are looking for in creating a life where their dog is well taken care of even in the midst of a busy life that can’t always include them.

You can read more about me, Jt Clough on my K9 Coach website.

K9 Coach started in San Diego 15 years ago. It turned it a large dog training practice. Even after 2 years of recently living on the Big Island, I still have clients call and want my help as a referral from someone I worked with years ago. Bringing my experience from San Diego, the Big Island and many training workshops and classes I have taught to other professional trainers, my intent is to have Maui Dog Remedies the best go to place for all things dog on the Island.

I welcome your questions and hope to meet you and your dog soon!

Aloha wags!


Jt Clough lives in Maui, Hawaii and practices health, happiness, natural remedies and training for dogs and their people.  Her uncanny way of communication with both dogs and people is healing and her training is effective physically and emotionally. Her work at ReVIBE | Dogs + Joy + Vibrance is for people looking to live healthier and happier lives through their dogs and her passion for it has helped so many to find and do that thing they’ve been talking about or wishing to happen for so long. She is a dog whisperer for our best friends and studies natural dog remedies, nutrition and communication. Her latest publications are Pumpkin Dog Food + Treats Recipes and 5K Training Guide | Running with Dogs.


Healing Through Dogs

Some people look at it as dog behavior that drives them crazy.  Some people look at it like the dog needs some training.  Some people look at it like why can’t I just have a good dog that can go everywhere with me instead of this dog that I have to watch out for bad behavior all the time?

Dog Training with Maui Aloha | Healing

I call it time to start understanding how to heal your feelings and your needs by learning a better way to communicate.  Dogs are the very best place to start that kind of healing.  They really don’t judge,  they don’t really expect, they just are there to live with you, in the moment, whatever you are going through.

And sometimes what you are going through is the fact that you aren’t communicating with yourself, and therefore you aren’t communicating with anyone else really including your dog, and it makes you irritated.  It makes you feel on edge.  It makes you have anxiety.  Sometimes even what might be a full on anxiety attack takes over in what should have been a real simple thing to get through.  Something you actually do every day, but still every single day you get this feeling.

Anxiety or Stress Imagine What It Must Be Like to Be a Dog Who Can’t Explain It

If you know what I’m describing then imagine those same feelings and reactions to those feelings in your dog.

And now do you see why this thing that could be called fear aggression or separation anxiety or unexplained outbursts is really about not knowing how to communicate?  It is about not knowing how to fulfill needs due to assumptions.

Is it bad dog behavior or is it learning how to communicate and understand?   Is it the dog just needs some training or is it that we need someone to hear us too, and when we are listened to the joyfear life turns to the joyful life.

The dog who is living the joyfear life can also quickly learn to live the joyful life.

If you have questions or want help with your dog I am here.

Jt Clough lives in Maui, Hawaii and practices health, happiness, natural remedies and training for dogs and their people.  Her uncanny way of communication with both dogs and people is healing and her training is effective physically and emotionally. Her work at ReVIBE | Dogs + Joy + Vibrance is for people looking to live healthier and happier lives through their dogs and her passion for it has helped so many to find and do that thing they’ve been talking about or wishing to happen for so long. She is a dog whisperer for our best friends and studies natural dog remedies, nutrition and communication. Her latest publications are Pumpkin Dog Food + Treats Recipes and 5K Training Guide | Running with Dogs.

Maui Beach Dogs and Walking on Sunshine

What is your favorite thing to do with your dog on Maui?

There are so many things dogs can do on an island like Maui. This past weekend I went with a small group of two other dogs and their people on an outing.  A beach romp for the dogs, then off to a trail that led to the coolest blow holes by the ocean. Way cool stuff. And yes, we all were literally walking on sunshine.

Dogs Bring Out the Best In People

The fun part about it was the dogs and the fact that each of their people had spent enough time with their own dog that off leash recall was no problem. The dogs got to be dogs while maintaining good behavior and the people got to do their thing too, which mostly revolved around how much fun the dogs were having! It got everybody out to play.

And we all need to PLAY MORE!

Off Leash Recall

So how to you get your dog to come back to you no matter what?

It really comes down to repetition…. and knowing how your dog thinks and learns.  Repetition means time spent doing it over and over again. How dogs think and learn…… well, that’s where I excel in working with people. It s a concept that slips by easily because we are such multi-taskers as people.

Stay with the task each and every time and recall will become automatic.  Don’t try to call your dog to you from too far away when you start getting serious about teaching a solid “come here” every single time.  Take the time to get your dog to come to you from 3-7 feet away from you over and over and over again, before you even try to use the concept for 10, 20 or 30 feet.

When one starts understanding the fact that dogs learn in pictures rather than logic a whole new world opens up.   The new and fun things make having a dog as part of your own family the best thing in the whole wide world every single day and practicing fundamentals becomes fun, not daunting.

Upcoming Maui Dog Events

Poi Dog Contest Sept 2

Bring the family for an afternoon of fun by watching or entering your dog in the Poi Doggie Contest. This event offers a variety of canine-centric contest categories with prizes (for poi dogs only – nonpedigree, not purebred). Categories to be judged are: Best Dressed, Best Howl, Best Trick, Dog-Owner Look-Alike, Most Mixed Up and Stellar Senior (enter one category only for each dog; entry fee is $10 for contestants)

Cooking for Dogs Sept 29

Our dogs are dying way too early and we are finally bringing our dogs into the age of fitness and health as we people are realizing the best way to feel real good and to live our lives as long as possible enjoying each and everyday is through what we feed ourselves. Food truly is a drug. It can be good or bad.

Dogs have been hooked on a processed only diet for years. We’ve been lead down the road to believe it is the only way.

You are what your eat is not only true for you but your dog too.

Find out how real food can help with itching, scratching and licking issue as well as provide a diet that leaves your dog vibrant and living the good life for as long as possible. $10 for you and your dog!

Location TBA.  Join my Inbox to get updates on cooking for dogs classes.

Jt Clough lives in Maui, Hawaii and practices health, happiness, natural remedies for dogs and dog training. Her work at ReVIBE | Dogs + Joy + Vibrance is for people looking to live healthier and happier lives through their dogs and her passion for it has helped so many to find and do that thing they’ve been talking about or wishing to happen for so long. She is a dog whisperer for our best friends and studies natural dog remedies, nutrition and communication. Her latest publications are Pumpkin Dog Food + Treats Recipes and 5K Training Guide | Running with Dogs.

Coconut Oil for Dogs (and Their People)

Coconut oil, even coconut oil for dogs, has been wrongly accused by most health care professionals who tell us to stay away from coconut oil and place in the artery clogging, saturated fat category next to animal fat.

How misleading that information has been. We’ve had such an obsession with fat that we’ve gone low fat, no fat, non fat for long enough to find out, it’s screwing up our ability to run well lubricated healthy lives! It’s true for our dogs as well.

The technical reasons why there is a big difference between animal and coconut saturated fat are fat that comes from animals is a long chain triglyceride, and coconut oil is a medium chain triglyceride or MCT. Coconut oil does not turn to trans fatty acids when heated or eaten raw by the way.

The real amazing thing about medium chain fatty acids are the healing properties it exhibits in improving metabolism, thyroid function, promotes weight loss and boosts energy.

Coconut Oil For Dogs

So why do these coconut oil facts apply to dogs too?

Well, like people our dogs diet and exercise habits have suffered over the past few decades. The diet being a huge issue. Think about it, when was the last time your dog ate something real? How many days in a row has your dog eaten a processed to death, coated in preservatives for flavor and shelf life meal?

Hmmm, and we wonder why our dogs are also overweight, getting diabetes, and acquiring thyroid problems?

Bottom line, improve your dog’s health with coconut oil.

7 Reasons to Feed Your Dog Coconut Oil

  1. Coconut oil prevents and treats yeast infections, including candida. The number one reason dogs are itching scratching and licking: candida.
  2. Coconut oil improves overall skin health, and clears up skin conditions. Dogs get flea allergies, contact dermatitis, hot spots, and generally a need to itch from internal candida.
  3. Applied topically to the skin, coconut oil promotes the healing of cuts, wounds, hot spots, bites, and stings.
  4. Coconut oil helps prevent diabetes by regulating and balancing insulin.
  5. Coconut oil promotes normal thyroid function.
  6. Coconut oil prevents infection.
  7. Coconut oil promotes weight reduction and increase energy, which promotes mobility in dogs with arthritis and other joint issues.

Feed your dog coconut oil every day. Start small. 1/2 teaspoon a day will do it. Start small dogs on 1/4 teaspoon per day.  Small dogs can work up to 1-2 teaspoons a day while larger dogs can go 3-4 teaspoons a day depending on the degree of health your dog started with and what you are treating.  Remember, something is better than nothing so a little dab a day is best if that is all you can do.

Looking for coconut oil ideas to add to your dogs diet?

Pumpkin Dog Food + Treats Recipes offers recipes which all include coconut oil. The added bonus in health benefits of pumpkin for a dog in each recipe too.

By the way, if this is resonating with you and your dog – you find yourself lacking support and tired of listening to the vet and or doctors suggest benadryl, antibiotics, or really bad dog food they get a kick back from selling/promoting – I just want you to know that I support you.

Subscribe to A Better Life Because of Your Dog and I’ll help however I can. If its healthy and it’s vibrant and brings joy I’d like more of that for you and for me and for our dogs.

Jt Clough practices health, happiness, natural remedies and training for dogs and their people.  Her uncanny way of communication with both dogs and people is healing and her training is effective physically and emotionally. She is has written the 5K Training Guide | Running with Dogs and Pumpkin Dog Food + Treats Recipes and is co-author of Treading for Dogs DVD



*Disclaimer:  I am not a medical professional – I just study, practice, read, live, breath natural remedies!  I’m not one to follow the normal which doesn’t seem to be working for most these days.  What you’ll read here is based on my research and experience and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe. Have fun, read as much as you can, do your own research and make smart choices for yourself!
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