Dogs reflect our behavior. This is how I have come to realize that fear and anxiety or so much a part of our lives that we have gotten to a place where our dogs, who have always been happy-go-lucky-in-the-moment are suffering from anxiety as well.

While it kept me busy in the dog training world, it became a huge lesson in how to start recognizing anxiety in myself and what the reaction was that went along with it.

Change on Purpose

If you want your dog to stop with an anxiety lifestyle, then you must show a picture of exactly how to react. In other words you need to stop with your own anxiety lifestyle habits or your dog probably never will recover from it!

If you spend more of your time than you even realize reacting in ways that you’d rather not, it may be time to start replacing that feeling with thoughts that bring “Calm” and reactions that are much more fun filled.

Changing on purpose is a practiced type of thing. We must recognize first that we are in the moment of acting with anxiety cover-ups, and choose what it is we want to replace it with. I have found ways to choose those things that are fun, that are relaxing and that bring me peace of mind. It’s been a journey I wish that more people would take.

It is Ok to Give Yourself Your Own Gifts

We all have pretty awesome gifts. The problem is many tag “underneath it all” to that statement.

I find that reading things that come into my in box, like The Anxiety Busting Virtual Retreat help peel off those layers of stress and anxiety, of not having fun anymore and making choices we really don’t want to sign up for. The gifts we have been given to enjoy reveal themselves easily and effortlessly all of sudden.

It will be a wonderful gift for the dog in your life as well.

Go on, create your own paradise!

Thanks for reading.  My hope is to give you inspiration and thought provoking ideas to take your very next step in creating your own paradise from where you are now!  Please subscribe to Big Island Dog and follow me on Twitter.   Retweets are cool too.

As a 9 time Ironman finisher, change maker and author and creator of  5K Training Guide | Running with Dogs and K9 Cross Fitness Classes in Kailua Kona Hawaii I encourage you to make that change you want so badly today!