Kindness keeps the world afloat.

When negativity surrounds… I know someday it will all turn around.

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” ~Plato

Random acts of kindness. The Christmas holiday gets lost in all the shopping, spending and more, more, more. Doing something kind for those you love and those you don’t even know will in fact bring you more, more, more….


As Courtney says from Be More with Less, “You Can Stop Now.” Christmas will come even if you don’t buy one more thing.


your home
you dog
your family
your friends
a beautiful sunset
a quiet moment with yourself
make a list of all you have to be grateful for
say it out loud

Make plans to be the best version of you. 

Here is what I’m planning on participating in. It will be good for me and for everyone around me including my dogs!

Help people and dogs through the 5K Training Guide | Running with Dogs

The Trainer Method – A mastermind to to bring out your super power and live the life of your dreams.

Make your plans and do more with less stuff from here on out!

If an act of kindness has the ability to shift someone’s bad day into a better one, then why not try to be that change?

Aloha wags!

Thanks for reading.  My hope is to give you inspiration and thought provoking ideas to take your very next step in creating your own paradise from where you are now!  Please join us at 7 Ways Dogs Make Your Health Better and on Twitter.   Retweets are cool too.

Jt Clough is a 9 time Ironman finisher, change maker and author and creator of  5K Training Guide | Running with Dogs 

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