dog training Kona

The Grateful Dog Project

Please join me in the Grateful Dog Project. It is very simple and might possibly even become a really great new habit if you practice it for even 5 or 10 minutes a day through the holiday season.

A few minutes a day with gratefulness literally can change your life. It changes the pattern of all those negative news feeds that end up spending too much time in our heads. It is a big wake up call to what we actually do have, all the good that is around us and how we actually react to anything and everything.

Grateful Like a Dog

Dogs tend to live their lives in the moment. They are not mad about what happened yesterday and they aren’t worried about what will happen tomorrow. Dogs tend to be happy about whatever is in front of them. It’s a great lesson.

Always looking for the good is a dog’s motto. Granted, their good sometimes may not be our good. Though there is some sort of happiness within ourselves when we see a dog get such joy out of carrying around one of our shoes as though it were a coveted prize.


Dogs keep it simple. The ebb and flow of our times have brought our society full circle. The 80’s and 90’s brought times of more is better. The 2000’s are bringing times of less is more. The Grateful Dog Project is about being thankful for all we already have.  And the more grateful we get it seems the more good happens.

“Where the mind dwells so goes our lives.”

The Grateful Dog Project 5 Minute Practice

•Write down all the things that you are grateful for.  First thing in the morning is the best time but anytime it works for you is a good time too.

•It doesn’t have to be a long list, just start.

•Each day you can add to the list.

•Read over the list (out loud is best) and give each one that moment of appreciation. In that moment. Think of nothing else. Like a dog. Wag. Smile. Shake all about. Whatever gives you that feeling. Thankful. Grateful.

•When you feel moments of overwhelm during these days of holiday splashed everywhere, say at least 3 of the things on your list in head to yourself. Then go back to what you were doing. It will feel better.

•Act like you are a dog. Have fun. In this very moment. Don’t dwell on yesterday and don’t worry about tomorrow. Do what is in front of you this very moment and do it with a wag.

•And last but not least on the list, have something good you’ve decided to do or think ready as your next thought to replace the overwhelm, the negative, or lack of focus. And if that seems to be difficult, you catch yourself criticizing, down on yourself, worried about money, or anything negative at all, here’s what to do:

•Say 3 things you are grateful for on your list. And if you don’t feel like it….

Do it anyway. Say 3 things you are grateful for. Then go back to what you were doing.

It works. It will change your life. You will feel better. You’ll replace being upset about things with a happy disposition about life. It is the very simple things that usually bring us the biggest joy.

Please share your list or a portion of your list in the comments.  Reading grateful, brings more gratefulness.  Good is gonna happen.

Thanks for reading.  My hope is to give you inspiration and thought provoking ideas to take your very next step in creating your own paradise from where you are now!  Please subscribe to Big Island Dog and follow me on Twitter.   Retweets are cool too.

As a 9 time Ironman finisher, change maker and author and creator of  5K Training Guide | Running with Dogs and K9 Cross Fitness Classes in Kailua Kona Hawaii I encourage you to make that change you want so badly today!


10 Minutes to a New You

Quite the statement. 10 minutes to a new you. Sounds a bit like one of those click here now and you’ll make a million dollars by next month deals. But it’s not. In fact, this is something that is for real. It only takes a 10 minute effort daily and even better, it’s free.

The Habit Course

Last month I was inspired by Katie Tallo and an article she wrote called The Power of Baby Steps to participate in the Habit Course. I’m amazed at the results 10 minutes a day did for me.

First let me ask you how you start your day off?

Most likely a cup of coffee. Then immediately open the e-mail? Facebook? Or start running around in a crazed effort to get yourself organized and out of the house?

I can so relate. At least with the cup off coffee, e-mail and facebook part. It’s exactly what I did every day and until I decided to take on the habit of writing for 10 minutes every morning instead, I did not realize how this routine disrupted my focus, affected my energy for the entire day and filled my head with random thoughts that left me feeling far away from accomplishing anything.

Why 10 Minutes Changed My Whole Day

Doing what you say you are going to do is huge. When I first committed to this I found out what exactly I was doing with my time. I couldn’t believe the habit I had of opening up facebook. Basically a way to avoid what I needed to get done for the day.

Sometimes I think social media provides a way for us to look for direction in our day. We kid ourselves all the random thoughts and announcements are going to give us good ideas for the day. Be inspiring. Add to our motivation. Or we are actually living vicariously through these people we don’t even really know.  Or maybe it makes us feel better about ourselves by seeing what people consider to be something that should be announced to the world!

What I found was it actually confused me. My focus was lost. I could easily surf around, loose track of time and start rearranging my day because of lack of intent. Or I wouldn’t start a project because I had taken too long in the world of what everyone one else was randomly doing usually with no direction either.

When I started writing for 10 minutes first thing, right after a drinking a glass of water and making my cup of coffee, I noticed the difference in how my day started right away. As the days continued writing for 10 minutes each morning, I noticed I started getting a lot of other things done during the day. Things I would have normally put off or said in my head I’d do tomorrow.

I got clear about what I wanted to do every day, including play time. It’s turned into getting big projects done over a week’s time. It turned out that my energy and my focus was seriously effected by what I did in the first 10 minutes of my day.

I feel like I’m a new improved me all over starting the first 10 minutes of my day differently.

Choosing Your 10 Minutes to a New You

Pick something to focus on for the first 10 minutes after you get up.

Make it something that is good for you.

Yes drinking a glass of water is highly recommended but that’s a minute deal. Do that, make a cup of coffee or tea and pick something along these lines for the first 10 minutes of your day:

  • Take a 10 minute walk.
  • Do yoga.
  • Mediate.
  • Write in a personal journal.
  • Send a thank you note to someone new everyday.
  • For dog owners, take a walk with your dog.
  • Teach your dog a new trick for 10 minutes each day until you dog gets it. You’ll be amazed at how quickly your dog actually learns with just a little bit of time spent on it each day.
  • Apply that same theory to yourself!
  • Plan your meals with eating colors in mind.
  • Read an inspirational quote. Then write your own version for the day.
  • Start the novel you’ve always wanted to write.
  • Write a love note to your husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend.
  • Write down 7 impossible things you’d like to come true before breakfast.
  • Say out loud all the things you are grateful for.
  • Write out the picture of your perfect day.

This is your life. Live it. Start with the first 10 minutes of everyday.

If you find this exercise difficult at first don’t feel bad.  Take note of the excuses you come up with in your head.

And then do what I learned works in starting a new habit and increasing the joy in your life.

Just freakin do it anyway. Whatever that thing you picked for 10 minutes is.

You’ll find it won’t be long and it actually becomes something you just do.

What is your new 10 minute start to every day? Leave it in the comments. Feel free to contact me for support for your intention and a boost in your “just do it anyway” and really get to the new you in 10 minutes a day.

Thanks for reading.  My hope is to give you inspiration and thought provoking ideas to take your very next step in creating your own paradise from where you are now!  Please subscribe to Big Island Dog and follow me on Twitter.   Retweets are cool too.

As a 9 time Ironman finisher, change maker and author and creator of  5K Training Guide | Running with Dogs and K9 Cross Fitness Classes in Kailua Kona Hawaii I encourage you to make that change you want so badly today!