life coach

Sinking canoe

What would you do if your canoe were sinking?

These women in this double outrigger canoe I know. I’ve paddled with them. I have been on their paddle team here in Hawaii. Some of them I know better than others. And had I been in the canoe this particular afternoon, I would have known an even deeper side of each one of them.

What do you do when your canoe is sinking?

You pull together. You keep moving forward. You don’t let the swell that keeps pushing against you stop your efforts. You don’t let the waves that have crashed over top of your head knock you down without getting back up.

No matter how strong the current runs against you, the push to move forward continues. You give it everything you have. And when you feel like you don’t have anything more, you keep going anyway.

When you make it to shore and the time to look back comes, you are definitely stronger than you were before. You have learned what worked and what didn’t and you didn’t give up until it worked.  You had an attention detox to all the small things that didn’t matter anymore and got what matters most to you done.

What would happen if we used these same efforts, the ones we have in us to get what we need, get what we want in times of survival, to do the thing we keep talking about doing?


These women were way out in the water for almost 2 hours getting this canoe back to shore. The video is the last 4 minutes. They learned a lot about themselves and about those who they had to band together with to get the work done.

I know I get emotional watching it, because I know these women, and I know that the power of the ocean could have been more than they had that afternoon. But they kept moving forward to get what they wanted. They found their passion and desire to get what they wanted.

What would it be like to take passion like you have in a sinking canoe and do the thing that you keep talking about doing?

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The Big Island Hawaii

Welcome to Big Island Dog… my first post to our new life with our dogs and what we want to enjoy, appreciate and share on the Big Island of Hawaii.

I have two dogs, a Weimaraner and a Lab and a wonderful life partner, I call him G .  We decided to live our dreams in our 40′s rather than waiting until later, when the economy recovers, when we get to that “retirement” age… whatever that is, or any other excuse most of us have become accustomed to accepting as the reason we stay in jobs, careers and lifestyles we wish were different.

The articles and insights you’ll find on this site will include many lessons learned in this process.  It includes how I dared to say I wanted to become a minimalist.  This from a woman who came to find out had four closets full of clothes alone before we even get into all the Mac computers and gadgets, sporting goods and dog training equipment packed away in my garage, most of which I had forgotten I had, or simply couldn’t find through all the stuff.  Even the dogs missed out on a lot of fun with the over abundance of “stuff” in our lives since most of it was in bins and shelves piled amongst things I might need someday, never to be actually used.

Funny thing is when it comes to the dogs, now that all the stuff is gone and we are actually here in Hawaii, they are back to having the most fun ever and the toy that came along with them?

One simple tennis ball!  Same for us, only one of anything and only the things that we would actually use.  Everything is simplified.

What do the dogs have to do with it all?

I train dogs.  Yes I have been called by many “the real dog whisperer” as well as a life coach (also adopting this label from the many who have described me as this)… that covers health and fitness, business and personal in case you were wondering if you might need this type of thing in your life!  I enjoy teaching both things and in fact they really do intertwine.  It comes down to what we focus on, what we put our energy into, what we think about and who we spend our time with…. and for me it includes a whole world of dog things that can apply to how we live, play and show our authentic selves.

What you’ll find in Big Island Dog


  • Why we have dogs
  • How to live with more play in your life
  • How to leave bad behavior behind and focus on what you want (that’s for you and for the dog)
  • Create simple habits to build a lifestyle of joy around
  • Develop your life to have the best day ever most of the time
  • Build your business or work around your life passion
  • Make a difference in the world

I hope to inspire others to follow their hearts, live out their dreams and make the world a better place though the playful eyes of a dog.  As the creator of dog wellness programs, health and fitness, and coaching people who are ready to take their lives to the next level, reaching their full potential, I welcome you to the best day ever…. everyday.


Thanks for reading!  If you enjoyed this post please share it, follow me on Twitter or Subscribe to The Healthy Living Wag Report.

Jt Clough, has studied, applied and taught others how to create a balanced life with calm dog training techniques through her lifetime commitment to health and fitness. Clough is also the creator of dog wellness programs and author of the 5K Training Guide | Running with Dogs and Treading for Dogs DVD,  further inspiring people to introduce playtime in life through the eyes of a dog changing unwanted behaviors to practicing a healthy lifestyle.