Maui Dog Training K9 Cross FitnessMaui Dog Remedies & Get Glad Maui Present

K9 Cross Fitness ClassJenn Get Glad Maui

Maui Dog Trainer Jt Clough of Maui Dog Remedies and Maui personal trainer Jenn Gladwin of Get Glad Maui’s  bring K9 Cross Fitness to North Shore Maui.

When is K9 Cross Fitness Class:

Sundays at 3:00 pm

Where is K9 Cross Fitness Class:

Various locations on the North Shore Maui.

Classes will be held on trails, by beaches or cool places to take your dog and will be combination of moving, balancing, and other strength building movements while teaching your dog to walk or run, wait or stay and even a trick or two along the way.

How to Find This Week’s Class:

Enter your name and e-mail address (it will be shared with no one else) You’ll get a weekly e-mail letting you know where the class is along with a link to pay for class online.  *YOUR FIRST CLASS IS FREE!

How much is K9 Cross Fitness Class:


You’ll be provided a link where you can pay online before class each week in your weekly e-mail letting you know where to come and what to expect.  You’ll also be provided a place to ask questions so you know all you need to know to get you and your dog to join us in stellar time outdoors here in Maui.

What Happens if I Pay and Then Can’t Make It to K9 Cross Fitness Class that Week:

Easy.  We’ll keep track of it.  Come the next week.

Do My Dog and I Have to Come Every Single Week to Benefit:

No.  K9 Cross Fitness was designed to help you get out with your dog as much as possible.  In my years of professional dog training I have found that a series of 8 classes ends up in failure.  Why?  Because when you miss one or more of the series, the guilt and negative talk sets in and you stop showing up all together.  K9 Cross Fitness is set up like an outdoor yoga studio.  Come when you can.  But we can tell you the more you come, the more your dog will love you!

Does You or Your Dog Need a Certain Level of Fitness Before Coming to Class:

No!  This is what its all about.  From beginner to advanced, from a not so well mannered dog to a well behaved dog, Jen and Jt will create your workout and your dog training tips to start from where you are and get you to where you want to go.

What is K9 Cross Fitness and How Will It Train Your Dog?

K9 Cross Fit Orange with logosOne of the biggest problems dog’s have when it comes to behavior and long term health is lack of exercise.  One of the biggest problems we have as humans is staying fit both physically and mentally and the answer to all of those things is simple:  Get more exercise!

We live in Maui so exercise outdoors is easy, but on your own, sometimes it’s difficult to get out there and get it done.  For years I’ve integrated my exercise and fitness background into all of my dog training programs.  And so, K9 Cross Fitness was a natural progression to get as many dog owners involved as possible.

No matter what fitness level you are, no matter how your dog behaves, this class is for you!

I’ve often found that people spend lots of time researching how to fix “bad dog behavior”.  Instead of fixing it, replace it with good behavior.  Once you stop focusing on the bad and make the choice to do something with your dog, you can start to enjoy the good life with your dog.

Dog training, from teaching new tricks to training for bad behavior all share  a common link to the answer about how to change behavior or become a good dog.

By taking action instead of searching for solutions, you will feel better and so will your dog.

For those who already have well behaved dogs, and are looking for more things to get out and do with your dog, K9 Cross Fitness is the perfect place for you to engage in something fun with your furry best friend and gain your fitness at the same time.

The BIG benefit for you:  Fitness WITH your dog, improving your health by gaining strength, losing weight. while improving your dog’s health and behavior.  A fitness program that’s fun for dog lovers to do with their best friend.

Jennifer Gladwin Fitness Trainer

Just like Jt’s approach to “growing the good” in dog training, I also share this philosophy in people training! Get Glad Maui’s Jennifer Gladwin Fitness Trainertraining method is based around three major concepts:
1) Just Breath
2) Come from you Core
3) Play!
Each small step towards enjoying life more gets us to the next step. If we focus on what we CAN do instead of what we cant do, all of the sudden we realize theres a LOT more in that can catergorey than we thought!
And just like every dog level is welcome, so is every person welcome! Whether you are a seasoned athlete or a super green newbie to exercise, this class will inspire you, get your heart pumping and make you laugh (which is an excellent core workout)! I will tailor each exercise to the needs of the individual so that everyone is comfortable and feels capable and confident.
My dog Huli is my truest training companion because when I want to give up or slow down, I just look over at her goofy smile and it brings on my own goofy smile. What a better way to get your giggle on and Get Glad with your K9!
Stoked to meet you and your pup!
*Personal people training session with Jenn are also available at Get Glad Maui

Personal Training Sessions

Maui Dog Training + Running + Retreats + RemediesIf you have other questions regarding dog training, and feel you’d like to work one on one, please contact me.  You can see the many things I have done with dogs at   I coach and train in Maui Hawaii.

Contact me with your personal dog training questions or if you’d like to work with me privately.


K9 Cross Fitness Weekly Locations

Enter your name and e-mail address (it will be shared with no one else) You’ll get a weekly e-mail letting you know where the class is along with a link to pay for class online.  *YOUR FIRST CLASS IS FREE!

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